1. Overview
Magento 2 Company Account extension allows the admin to switch a normal account to a company account.
Then, the company admin - who first registered for the company account, can create and share access to the account for multiple users with different roles/permissions.
2. How Does It Work?
2.1. General settings

Please go to Stores => Configurations => Magento 2 Company Account.
Set Enable Company Account to Yes.
In Email Config, choose the sender and templates.
In "Send Active Email Copy to" and " Send Deactive Email Copy to", input multiple emails separated by commas.
In Update User And Role Notifications section, choose the email template sent to the admin to notify the updated information of role and sub-user.
In Order Approval Notifications section, choose the email template sent to:
- Admin: notify about the order request/newly created order from the sub-user.
- Sub-user: notify about the status of order request (approve or reject) from admin/Approve Order Waiting sub-user.
2.2. A customer registers for an account in the storefront.

To start with, a customer will sign up for a new account via the default registration form.
Then, he/she needs to contact the store admin to switch the created account to the company account in the backend.
2.3. Approve/Reject company accounts in the backend

All registered accounts, including company accounts, are reported in the Customers grid. Upon contact with the customer, the admin then switches a normal account to the company account in 2 ways:

Under Account Information, there is a new field "Is Company Account".
- By setting this field to Yes, a company account is now available.
- Setting it to No means the account is just a normal account.

Otherwise, the store admin can change multiple accounts to company accounts or remove them from company accounts with the mass action.
Install Magento 2 Customer Attributes extension and
Magento 2 B2B Registration extension to streamline the communication!
Magento 2 B2B Registration helps create an additional registration for company account so that you can divide company accounts and normal accounts into separate groups for better management.
More importantly, company accounts are pending for the store admin to review and approve/reject.

Registered accounts are recorded in Customers grid for further action.

With Magento 2 Customer Attributes, you can add fields to both default sign form and B2B registration form to get to know your customers.

Information filled is visible in the Customers grid. The store admin can switch an account to the company account without having to wait for the customers to contact in advance.

2.4. Create users, roles and permissions in the storefront

When the store admin switches an account to the company account, a notification email is sent accordingly. Then, the company admin can login to his/her account.

From now on, you must get familiar with three new roles:
- The store admin: It is the person who will review, approve, or disapprove the company account registration
- Company admin: One who registers the company account in the first place and who is assigned the role "Admin."
- Sub-users: Sub-users are created by company admin or store admin under Account management. They have limited roles and permissions.
2.4.1. Create and manage new roles

Go to Manage Role under Account Dashboard, the company admin can add new role for users.
Please note that the Admin role is available in advance. Those assigned the Admin role will have permissions as the company admin.

Assign permissions to the roles
Choose to add New Role and assign built-in permissions to the role.
- In Role Name: input the role
- In Permissions: Among available resources, choose what information can be accessed and managed by the role.
- In Max Order per Day: input an amount. Skip this field if you do not want to set an order amount limitation.
- In Min Order per Day: input an amount. Skip this field if you do not want to set an order amount limitation
Remember to Save the settings.
2.4.2. Create and manage new sub-users

Now, go to Manage Sub-users to create new sub-users.

Choose to add New Sub-user and assign a built-in role to the sub-user.
- In Status: choose to Enable or Disable the sub-user
- In Sub-user Name: Input name of the user
- In Sub-user Email: input an email which is not added before.
- In Role: pick up an available role
Remember to Save the settings.
An email will be sent to the sub-user.

2.5. Create a company account, roles and permissions, and sub-users in the backend
The admin can also create a company account, sub-users and assign roles/permissions to the users.
2.5.1. Create a new company account
2.5.2. Create and manage roles
2.5.3. Create and manage sub-users
If you have any questions about this Magento 2 Company Account extension, feel free to contact us.