Magento 2 Administration Extensions

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  3. Magento 2 Administration Extensions
  4. Magento 2 Import Export Order
  5. User Guide

User Guide


Magento 2 Import Export module CAN ONLY WORK smoothly when you do the exact 2 steps below:

  1. Always backup your database before using the extension for importing orders.
  2. Always follow the user guide step-by-step while preparing for your importation. 

1.Export Order

To export orders, follow this chain:

System -> Export by BSS -> Set Entity to Order

exporting with magento 2 import export order

Here, you can choose the time window in which you want to extract and download the order from.

2.Import Order

In the admin panel, go to System -> Import by BSS -> Set Entity Type to Order.

import using magento 2 import export order

2.1 Understand The Import Behavior

  • Import Behavior: There are 3 options for you to select.

+ Add: This option allows administrators to add new order into Magento 2 database. 

+ Update: The module will update the existing order with the new information you’ve prepared with the CSV file.

+ Delete: This option allows the system to get orders based on the entity_id in the CSV file, then delete items that are available in the database.

  • Validation Strategy: select one option from the drop-down list to determine how the system operates when there are errors in the import process.

+ Stop on Error: the system stops importing when there are errors.

+ Skip error entries: the system skips errors and continues to import.

  • Allowed Errors Count: This setting allows you to choose the allowed maximum number of errors when importing. If the number of errors happening in the import process exceeds the maximum number you fill in this field, the system will stop importing.
  • Multiple value separator: Accept the default value of a comma (,). A comma is the default separator in a CSV file. If you want to use a different character, please make sure that the data in the CSV file matches the character that you specify.

2.2 Prepare The CSV File 

Before you import orders via a CSV file, you need to prepare the CSV file with enough necessary information. You can download this CSV sample file by clicking View sample data next to the Entity Type field, or click here. After that, fill in your CSV accordingly.

prepare the csv file for magento 2 import export order

You can find all column descriptions on this spreadsheet. 

2.2.1 Note while preparing csv file for each type of behavior

+ For Add and Update behavior, remember to follow this table:

Object Fields That Need To Have The Exact Same Value
Order - entity_id
- item:order_id
- address:parent_id
- payment:parent_id
- transaction:order_id
- tax:order_id
- shipment:order_id
- invoice:order_id
- creditmemo:order_id
- status_history:parent_id
- download_link:order_id
Order Item - item:item_id
- tax_item:item_id
- shipment:order_item_id
- invoice:order_item_id
- creditmemo:order_item_id
- download_link:order_item_id
Address - address:entity_id
- shipping_address_id
- shipment:shipping_address_id
- invoice:shipping_address_id
- creditmemo:shipping_address_id
Address - address:entity_id
- billing_address_id
- shipment:billing_address_id
- invoice:billing_address_id
- creditmemo:billing_address_id

- tax:tax_id
- tax_item:tax_id

Payment - payment:entity_id
- transaction:payment_id
Shipment - shipment:entity_id
- shipment_item:parent_id
- shipment_track:parent_id
- shipment_comment:parent_id
Invoice - invoice:entity_id
- invoice_item:parent_id
- invoice_comment:parent_id
Credit memo - creditmemo:entity_id
- creditmemo_item:parent_id
- creditmemo_comment:parent_id
Downloadable Link - download_link:purchased_id
- download_link_item:purchased_id
Downloadable Link - download_link:order_item_id
- download_link_item:order_item_id

+ For Update behavior,  DO NOT CHANGE THESE FIELDS:


item:item_id, item:order_id

address:entity_id, address:parent_id

status_history:entity_id, status_history:parent_id

tax:tax_id, tax:order_id

tax_item:tax_item_id, tax_item:tax_id, tax_item:item_id

payment:entity_id, payment:parent_id

transaction:transaction_id, transaction:payment_id, transaction:order_id

shipment:entity_id, shipment:order_id

shipment_item:entity_id, shipment_item:parent_id

shipment_track:entity_id, shipment_track:parent_id

shipment_comment:entity_id, shipment_comment:parent_id

invoice:entity_id, invoice:order_id

invoice_item:entity_id, invoice_item:parent_id

invoice_comment:entity_id, invoice_comment:parent_id

creditmemo:entity_id, creditmemo:order_id

creditmemo_item:entity_id, creditmemo_item:parent_id

creditmemo_comment:entity_id, creditmemo_comment:parent_id

+ For Update or Delete behavior, the best way to do this is to export the data first.  This step will save you time on matching information in the filling CSV file.

+ For Delete behavior,  if your intention is to delete the orders, all you need is a CSV file fills with the entity ID of said orders and you’re ready to go.

While importing, if the system encounters a similar increment_id in the database, it will automatically add in increment suffix (default: BSS) and proceed to continue the import.
Or you can add your custom suffix at the Suffix config. Please use only letters (a-z or A-Z), numbers (0-9) or underscore (_) in this field, and the first character should be a letter.

2.2.2 Note while preparing CSV file each type of product

a. The least fields required to import order: you can download the file 1 in Sample Data. They include information for:


-Order Item (fields with prefix as item:)

-Payment (fields with prefix as payment:)

-Address (fields with prefix as address:)

b. For Physical Products, besides all the fields above, you need to have both shipping address and billing address in order to import orders.

c.  For Virtual Products, besides all the fields in a., you need to have the billing address in order to import orders. In case you also fill in the shipping address, it will still proceed to import orders.

d.  For Downloadable Products, you need to have download_link and download_link_item in addition to all the fields in a. to import order.

2.3 Load File To Import

After you finish the CSV file, tab the Choose File button to select the file to import. 

2.4 Check data and import

After you select the CSV file, you need to click the Check Data button to validate data before importing.

If your CSV file is free from errors, there is a message to notify validation results and the Import button now appears to click.

You click the Import button to start importing order in the CSV file into Magento 2 website. There is also a notification about the results of the import process.

If your CSV file includes errors, the Import button cannot be displayed for you to click and there is a notification about these problems.

3. Permission

You can set permission to use this extension for a specific admin user.

To grant Import permission, go to:

System > Permissions > User roles > Pick one admin user> Role Resources > Custom> System > Transfer Data -> Import by Bss -> Import Order

To grant Export permission, go to:
System > Permissions > User roles > Pick one admin user >Role Resources > Custom> System > Transfer Data -> Export by Bss -> Export Order

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