Magento 2 Administration Extensions

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  3. Magento 2 Administration Extensions
  4. Magento 2 Import Export Extension Combo
  5. Installation Guide

Installation Guide

After you finish the purchasing process, we will immediately send you an email containing the link to download this extension.

For Import Export Combo Installation, just add our skype account at support.bsscommerce, BSS Support Team will help you to install immediately for FREE.

Further assistance is available via Email our supporters will assist you in resolving any issues within 24 hours.

I. Install the Import/Export Core module

Now we will instruct how to install the Import/Export Core module. Please follow these steps below:

Step 1:

Download the extension.

Step 2:

Create a directory: 

[Magento root folder]/app/code/Bss/ImportExportCore

Step 3:

Unzip the source code of the extension to the directory.

Step 4:

Go to Magento 2 root directory and run the following commands:

  1. php bin/magento setup:upgrade
  2. php bin/magento setup:di:compile
  3. php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
  4. php bin/magento cache:clean

II. Install Import Export modules 

After you finish the Core module installation, you continue to install the separated Import Export extensions in the package.

Step 1: 

Download all Import Export extensions and Unzip all of those files.

Step 2:

Create another directory called app/code/Bss/MODULENAME/ where MODULENAME must be replaced by the modules’ internal identifier. You can find it in the “composer.json” file in the extension ZIP file you downloaded, look at the node “psr-4”.

You create the following directories to install each Import Export extension: 

  • app/code/Bss/CmsPageImportExport/
  • app/code/Bss/CategoriesImportExport/
  • app/code/Bss/NewsletterImportExport/
  • app/code/Bss/ProductAttributesImportExport/
  • app/code/Bss/ReviewsImport/
  • app/code/Bss/UrlRewriteImportExport/
  • app/code/Bss/WishlistItemImportExport/
  • app/code/Bss/OrderImportExport/

Step 3: 

Upload all of the directories into the root directory of your Magento installation. The root directory of Magento is the directory that contains the directories “app”, “bin”, “lib” and more. All directories should match the existing directory structure.

Step 4:

Go to Magento 2 root directory.

Run: php bin/magentosetup:upgrade

Step 5:

Run: php bin/magentosetup:static-content:deploy

Step 6:

Clear all Cache

III. Install/ Uninstall/ Disable the Hyva Theme Compatibility package

The module is already compatible with Hyva theme itself, so you don't have to install any extra package.


  • All modules in this combo can be installed simultaneously.
  • Please turn off Merge-JS before installing the module. Only Turn on Merge-JS when finishing the installation.
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