1. Overview
Admin Email Notification for Magento 2 is an extension that helps you conveniently follow main events of your store. The notification emails about these important events will be automatically sent to you. This module support for 8 key events in a Magento 2 store: New orders, Low stock products, Order Status change, New Review, Customer registration, Newsletter Subscription, Newsletter unsubscription, New wish list.
2. How Does It Work?
Please go to Store ⇒ Configuration ⇒ BSSCommerce ⇒ Admin Email Notification.
2.1.Select Email sender
In Email Sender: choose an email from your system to send notification emails.
2.2. New Order Notification Email
In Enable Notification: choose Yes to enable notification email when a new order has been placed, or Not to disable it.
In Email Template: select email template for new order notification email. This module has a default email template but you can create your new email template to apply to this config. (Marketing → Email Templates)
In Email Receiver: enter email addresses to receive the notifications, the emails are separated by commas (,). This module supports sending multiple emails.
- Output Email (default template)
2.4. Low stock products
In Enable Notification: choose Yes to enable notification email when a product becomes low stock, or Not to disable it.
In Notify When Product Qty Falls Below: enter a number to set as low stock value. The notification email will be sent if product quantity falls below this value.
In Email Template: select email template for low stock notification email. This module has a default email template but you can create your new email template to apply to this config. (Marketing → Email Templates)
In Email Receiver: enter email addresses to receive the notifications, the emails are separated by commas (,). This module supports sending multiple emails.
- Output email (default template)
2.5. Order status change
In Enable Notification: choose Yes to enable notification email when order status has been changed, or Not to disable it.
In Email Template: select email template for order status change notification email. This module has a default email template but you can create your new email template to apply to this config. (Marketing → Email Templates)
In Status: select statuses that you want to receive email when order status change to what you selected.
In Email Receiver: enter email addresses to receive the notifications, the emails are separated by commas (,). This module supports sending multiple emails.
- Output email (default)
2.6. New review
You can customize this section the same as New Order Notification Email.
- Output Email (default template)
2.7. New customer registration
You can customize this section the same as New Order Notification Email.
- Output email (default template)
2.8. Customer newsletter subscription
You can customize this section the same as New Order Notification Email.
- Output email (default template)
2.9. Customer newsletter unsubscription
You can customize this section the same as New Order Notification Email.
- Output email (default template)
2.10. New wish list
The new wish list notification email will be sent only when customers add products to wishlist the first time.
You can customize this section the same as New Order Notification Email.
- Output email (default template)
Note: After setting, you need to press Save Config button to save your configuration then flush cache to start using the module.