1. Why You Should Upgrade to PRO Version?
With the FREE B2B Login Access Management version, you can only require visitors to log in to access some page types, which is still limited.
In the Pro version, we allow creating multiple Force Login or Passcode rules to log specific pages.
Moreover, you can choose to hide the Header & Footer of restricted pages to lock all navigations that customers can act.
2. Enable The Features
In order to make the app work, you should go to Dashboard and enable the features you want to use.

2.1. Force Login Rule
Force Login rule means non-logged-in customers will have to create an account and log in to see the content
On the left panel, choose Force Login > FL Rules > Create rule.

The setting is extremely easy to follow:
2.1.1. Enable the rule

The priority will be considered when there are duplicated rules. 0 is the highest priority.
2.1.2. Set Rule setup

Instead of showing the pages' content, it will show the message and the form set as above.
You can choose among three options available:
- Custom content message
- Shopify Default Login Form
- Custom content message and Login form (recommended).
We would recommend the last option since you can show the Login form directly to customers and set up the redirection after they log in successfully:
- Account Dashboard - My Account Page of Shopify Default
- Custom Page - a specific URL path. For example: /collections/all
- Restricted Page - the locked page the visitors are trying to access.
2.1.3. Only Logged-in Customers Can Access Page(s)

If you want to grant access for specific customers only, you will want to upgrade to the Plus plan ($10/mon) to:
- Allow customer by tag(s): Only chosen customer tags can login and see the pages' content.
- Allow specific customers: Only chosen customers can login and see the pages' content.
- Restrict customers by tag(s): Chosen customer tags and non-logged-in customers can't see the pages' content
- Restrict specific customers: Chosen customers (search by emails) and non-logged-in customers can't see the pages' content.
2.1.4. Choose Specific Pages to Lock
In the Pro plan, you can choose to lock specific product pages, collection pages, and any pages of your store.
Multiple selections are allowed.

2.1.5. Advanced Settings

- Also, you can set up a period to automatically enable or disable the rule.
- Hide Header and Footer if you do not want non-targeted customers to access links on Header, Menu, and Footer.
2.1.6. Frontend Display

2.2. Passcode Rule

Instead of requiring customers to create an account, you can quickly send them a passcode. That way, you can decide who to send the passcode to access the pages.
On the left panel, choose Passcode > PC Rules > Create rule.
The setting is extremely easy to follow:
2.2.1. Enable the rule

The priority will be considered when there are duplicated rules. 0 is the highest priority.
2.2.2. Set Rule setup

Enter the passcode and message to inform visitors about the passcode requirement.
2.2.3. Choose Specific Pages to Lock
In the Pro plan, you can choose to lock specific product pages, collection pages, and any pages of your store.
Multiple selections are allowed.

2.2.4. ADVANCED Settings

- Also, you can set up a period to automatically enable or disable the rule.
- Hide Header and Footer if you do not want non-targeted customers to access links on Header, Menu, and Footer.
2.2.5. Frontend Display

3. How to Uninstall The PRO B2B Login Access Management app?
Read this for more information: How to uninstall the app properly without leftover code? - BSS Commerce Wiki
Need help? Please email us at sales@bsscommerce.com or send a message via Live Chat.
In case you plan o build a Shopify website with all of the B2B features, our experts are here to support you. Our Shopify B2B Login Access Management App is also included in our service. Let's see what we can do!