Shopify B2B Login Access Management App

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  5. How to uninstall the app properly without leftover code?

How to uninstall the app properly without leftover code?

Before deciding to uninstall, please send us a message via or Live Chat regarding your issue(s) so that we can provide solutions from our side and keep you stay with us. We’re trying our best to build a product that will help your business operate effectively and efficiently, therefore, any feedback will be much appreciated.

However, if you’ve made up your mind, please follow these steps to uninstall the app properly to avoid any hassle. 

Go to B2B Login Access Management > Dashboard, then disable all functions.

In case you need to remove all codes from the theme, go to General Configs and click HERE like the image below.

In case you want to uninstall manually, read this for more information: How to remove the leftover code after uninstalling the app?

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