Shopify Product Labels & Badges

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  3. Shopify Product Labels & Badges
  4. App Features: How to
  5. Why doesn’t the label/badge appear when the product is out of stock?

Why doesn’t the label/badge appear when the product is out of stock?

There are some reasons for this case: 

    • You choose "In Stock" in the Inventory Status condition, thus the label/badge only works for in-stock products (s).

    • You may make the label/badge visible on the product(s) that have one or more in stock by selecting “Stock Availability Equal or Greater Than” 1.

    • Furthermore, if you choose “Out of Stock” in the product editor but also pick “Continue selling when out of stock,” Shopify will understand that this product will never run out of inventory. As a result, the app is unable to detect this rule and display it on the product picture.

    • There are some issues with your theme.
    • Incorrect labeling setup.

If you ever encounter this difficulty and are unsure what to do next, please contact us at We will reply to your problem as quickly as possible.


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