Magento 1 B2B Extensions

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  4. Limit Order Quantity per Category
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User Guide

1. Overview

Magento Limit Order Quantity Per Category allows setting minimum and maximum quantity of all products per category in an order that customers have to meet before successfully checking out. This extension also helps Magento store owners limit order quantity per category for each specific customer group, which gives them more control over order product quantity to reduce shipping costs and other related costs like storage management and package.

2. How Does It Work?

Please go to System ⇒ Configuration ⇒ BSSCOMMERCE Min/Max Order Quantity per Category for Customer Group to begin setting up.

settings in backend

In Enable: Choose Yes to enable the module or choose No to disable it.

In Show Category:

  • Choose Yes to show product category in the shopping cart. With product belonging to multiple categories, all those categories will be displayed regardless of where customer added the product to cart.
  • Choose No to hide the product category.

In Messages Limit Max: you can change the notification message when maximum required order quantity per category is not met (This message locates at the top left corner of the Shopping Cart). Without any changes, default message will be shown as: The max quantity allowed for purchase at category{category_name} is {qty_limit} [ Product Name : {product_name} ]

In Messages Limit Min: you can change the notification messages when minimum required order quantity per category is not met. Without any changes, default message will be shown as: The min quantity allowed for purchase at category {category_name} is {qty_limit} [ Product Name : {product_name}]

In Min/Max order quantity:

Min/Max order quantity

You can freely choose customer group and category to apply the min/max quantity rule. Click Add button for more options.

After finishing with setup, choose Save Config.


For products belong to multiple categories, the order quantity of products needs to meet the min/max requirement of all those categories.

The min/max rule is applied to the total number of products in each category added to cart, not the order quantity of each particular product.

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