Magento 1 Administration Extenions

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  3. Magento 1 Administration Extenions
  4. Customer Group with Tax
  5. User Guide

User Guide

1.  Overview

Customer Group without Tax extension helps to reject taxes on category page and product page. Also, customers won’t see tax rate in their cart and check out with pay no tax. This unique extension also allows admin to apply for specific customers and individual customer groups while tax rates are still shown to remained customers. Hence, it’s really useful for your website’s marketing and sale policy.

2. How Does It Work?

2.1. Instruction Manual

As an admin, you can set up your own store page by the most effective way that supports your trading objective. To make the configuration:

  • Step 1: Go to System ⇒ Configuration.
  • Step 2:  At the left side of the page, find BSS Commerce ⇒ select Customer Group without Tax

After these 2 steps, a screen for configuration appears like the following picture:


In box Enable module, choose Yes to enable the module. After being enabled, a box named Apply for customer groups will appear for you to continue configuring the extension.

In the box Apply for customer groups, select one, some or all customer groups’ names which you want to reject taxes on website view.

Apply for customer groups

After all above configuration is done, you save the configuration by clicking on Save config button to the right of the backend. To see the change, go to frontend and reload the page.

2.2. Preview Tax Policy on Customer Group

To preview which customer group is applied tax policy, go to Admin Panel ⇒ Customers ⇒ Customer Groups. All groups of customers will be shown with applied tax policy like this following picture:

Preview Tax Policy on Customer Group

The result in frontend when applying Magento Customer Group without Tax will be shown like this:

 in frontend when applying Magento Customer Group without Tax

*Note: This module doesn't support when you set up Including Tax for Catalog Prices.

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