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  3. Magento 1 Administration Extenions
  4. Multiple Store View Pricing
  5. Update product price per Magento store view by SOAP API v2

Update product price per Magento store view by SOAP API v2

Step 1: Create an an API account to use SOAP

You go to System -> Web Services -> SOAP/XML-RPC -> Roles to create Roles

In Role Resources, tick Update (as the following image) to have rights to update products :


Next, you go to System -> Web Services -> SOAP/XML-RPC -> Users to create users. In User Role, you choose Roles that you have just created.

Step 2: Call API to update product price per store view)

  • Assume that the account created in step 1 has the following information:

+ User name: api

+ Password: api123

    • You use this code to run update:
// If some stuff requires api authentification,
// then get a session token
$session = $client->login('api', 'api123');
$result = $client->catalogProductUpdate(
    		'price' => {price}, 

*Note: you need to change some things such as:

  • Replace {magentohost} by the domain of the website that you want to update
  • Replace {product_sku} by the SKU of product that you want to update
  • Replace {price} by prices that you want to update
  • Replace {store} by store code or store idd of store that you want to update product price
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