Shopify B2B Login Access Management App

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  4. App Features: How to
  5. How to insert images in Rule Setup message?

How to insert images in Rule Setup message?

Sometimes when you want to make your message more visually appealing, adding images is a helpful way.

To insert an image, please follow these instructions:

Step 1: Go to Shopify Settings > Files

Step 2: Upload files 

Step 3: Click Copy link icon

Step 4: Go to the app > Create Rule/Rule you’ve created

Step 5: Go to Rule setup

Step 6: Paste the code below between <a> and </a> tags and choose the proper size

<img src="your_link" width="enter_width" height="enter_height">

For example:

<a href='/account/login' target='_blank'><img src="" width="300" height="100"></a>

Step 7: Click Save

The result on storefront:

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